Band and Choir Grading Policy
Grades will be a combination of daily participation, performance participation, daily work, and quizzes. At the end of each week, students will be given a grade for their class participation. Students are expected to have their instruments during rehearsal and are expected to bring their instruments home over the weekend or points will be docked.
The following guidelines will be used for grading daily participation:
Be on time and ready for rehearsal
Show that you are making a sincere effort for improvement and learning
Mature, positive and professional attitude
Ability and/or effort in performing assigned parts
Coming to rehearsals with the proper materials (pencil, music folder, highlighter, instrument)
Non-disruptive behavior
No gum
No cell phone abuse (see below)
If the behavior of a student becomes continually disruptive to the overall learning environment and success of the choir, we will begin a “three strikes and you’re out policy”. The parents and the office will be notified if their child has received a “strike.” Hopefully this will never need to be used, but if a student reaches three strikes, he/she is removed from the choir or band and given no credit for the class. Strikes will only be given in extreme and continual situations. Parents will be notified prior to any strikes given if an issue seems to be arising. Hopefully all issues can be resolved prior to any “strikes.”
Loitering in the PAC anywhere outside the classrooms will not be allowed. This includes use of the elevator when not needed or the downstairs bathroom area. Make sure you are not in the PAC prior to class time (especially after lunch).
Band and Choir Attendance Policy
Education can only take place when the students and teachers are available for learning. It is essential that all members attend every rehearsal and every performance of the choir and/or band. We will follow the same guidelines that SV sets forth for all classes in regards to attendance and tardiness.
Please note: Rehearsals, concerts, and other outside performances are MANDATORY. Our concerts are our final exams and participation at the concerts is graded. We are performance-based classes. The majority of our performance dates are planned before the school year begins, and are given to you with this handout to help you plan your schedule. Please note that work is not an excuse for missing a performance. If you need a note for your employer please see your director.
Band and Choir Performance Attire
When the concert choir and concert band performs, the objective is to look uniform, to create a single entity. Anything that draws attention to the individual and disrupts the uniform appearance will not be permitted.
Men—The men of the concert choir will wear BLACK dress pants, shoes, socks, and shirt. No black jeans permitted and no black “T-shirts”. Any other kind of black shirt is permitted—long or short sleeve is fine.
Women—The women of the concert choir will wear BLACK dress pants or skirt or dress (knee-length or longer) and a black long or short sleeved shirt. Black dress shoes with a small heel will be worn with the concert attire. Avoid excessive jewelry and dangling earrings. No black jeans or black “T-shirts.”